
A comment is a single line of text that appears on the drawing. To create a comment, select Constrain ‣ Comment, and then left-click the center of the new comment. To move the comment, drag it with the mouse. To change the text, double-click it.

The comment has no effect on the geometry; it is only a human-readable note. By default, the comment is shown in the same color as the constraints; but a comment may be assigned to a custom line style, in order to specify the line width and color, text height, text origin (left, right, top, bottom, center), and text rotation.

If a comment is created within a workplane, then the text will be drawn within the plane of that workplane. Otherwise, the text will always be drawn facing forward, in the plane of the screen.

By default, comments are hidden when their group is inactive, the same as for all other constraints. If a comment is assigned to a custom style, then that comment will be shown even when its group is inactive, as long as the style (and the group, and constraints overall) is shown.